Norfolk or Hull Surprise Minor

This is step 4 in the 2020 red pathway.

These methods are best thought of as variations on much more common surprise minor methods: Ipswich and Bourne.

To create Norfolk from Ipswich, or Hull from Bourne, ring the same method but with a ’sixths place lead-end’: at every lead-end, instead of one bell making seconds over the treble and the other bells dodging, one bell makes sixths and the others swap, so all bells plain hunt through the lead-end. If you’re more familiar with Cambridge, then try ringing Primrose first, which is Cambridge with a sixths-place lead-end.

Bobs are fourths-place bobs: there is no difference between the work at a bob in Ipswich and one in Norfolk.

There’s a new instructions page on ringing sixths place methods in the 2020 RW Diary.

The six methods mentioned above (Cambridge, Primrose, Ipswich, Norfolk, Bourne and Hull) are sometimes called the Cambridge Six.

Recent performances

Saturday, 28 August 2021Sutton (St James), East Riding of Yorkshire1320 Hull Surprise Minor
Thursday, 22 July 2021Ringing Room, England1320 Hull Surprise Minor
Wednesday, 16 September 2020Wellington (The John David Ring), New Zealand1320 Hull Surprise Minor
Sunday, 2 August 2020Wellington (Cathedral Church of St Paul), New Zealand1320 Hull Surprise Minor
Wednesday, 15 July 2020Wellington (The John David Ring), New Zealand1320 Hull Surprise Minor

See full list.