Surrey Association — Surrey Districts Autumn Calling Challenge

1st October – 15th December 2024

Your District Masters invite you to take part in the Autumn Calling Challenge and win Challenge Points for yourself, your home tower and your District!

We challenge ALL Association ringers and their friends to call something they have never called before.

Some possible examples include:

Calling stand at the end of rounds

Calling a call-change sequence

Calling a call-change sequence from a working bell, rather than calling from a fixed bell (or vice versa)

Calling a new call-change sequence you haven’t called before

Composing and calling your own call-change sequence

Calling go, that’s all, and stand to plain hunt

Calling go, that’s all, and stand to plain hunt from a different bell

Calling go, that’s all, and stand to continuous dodging or another Kaliedoscope exercise.

Calling go, that’s all, and stand to a plain course of a method

Calling a touch of a method

Calling a different touch you haven’t called before

Splicing two (or more) methods together

Calling a quarter peal

Calling a peal (go on, we dare you!)

If you haven’t done it before, it can be part of your Autumn Calling Challenge!

For information on how to take part, visit the Surrey Association website and follow the link from the home page.

Associated performances

Found 7 associated performances. Filter

13 Oct 2024Mitcham (St Peter and St Paul)6 Call Changes
11 Oct 2024Barnes (St Mary)1260 Grandsire Triples
10 Oct 2024Bermondsey (St James)120 Grandsire Doubles
10 Oct 2024Bermondsey (St James)60 Grandsire Doubles
10 Oct 2024Bermondsey (St James)Rounds and Ringing Down
7 Oct 2024Putney (St Mary)3 Plain Bob Doubles
7 Oct 2024Putney (St Mary)3 Stedman Slow Course Doubles

Performances associated with this event will not be printed together in The Ringing World. If you wish your performance to be printed, you should select Send to RW on each performance in the normal way.